Wasp Control

Comprehensive Wasp Control Strategy

Garden City Pest Control employs a systematic three-step approach to effectively manage and control wasp populations: prevention, removal, and observation.


Preventing wasps from establishing nests is the first and most crucial step. Effective preventative measures include:

Wasp Traps

Strategically place wasp traps around the property, particularly in areas where wasps are likely to build nests or where food is present, such as during picnics or barbecues. These traps lure wasps away from gatherings and into the traps instead.

Fake Wasp Nests

Install fake paper wasp nests around the property. Wasps are territorial creatures and tend to avoid areas where they perceive other colonies are present. While these decoys are often effective, they are not foolproof, as some wasps may not be deceived by them.

Wasp Nest Control

Removal and Treatment

If wasps have already established a nest, removal and treatment are necessary:

Nest Removal

If the nest is visible, it can be removed. The best time for this is at night when wasps are less active. A suitable insecticide should be applied directly at the nest’s entrance. After allowing some time for the product to work, the nest can be carefully removed with a plastic bag. If the nest is too large or removal seems daunting, professional assistance is advisable. Garden City Pest Control uses various products with residual effects to eliminate wasps that are not present in the nest at the time of treatment.

Inaccessible Nests

Sometimes, nests are located in areas like soffits, making physical removal difficult. In such cases, it is important to note that the nest is primarily made of paper and poses minimal risk as additional insulation.


After removal and treatment, ongoing observation is essential to ensure effectiveness:


Simply removing or treating a nest does not guarantee success. The treatment might not reach all areas of the nest, or the residual effects might not be sufficient. Monitoring the area is crucial to see if wasps return to rebuild. It is important to understand that even if the queen is eliminated, wasps can continue their activities as usual.


Wasps can remain active for up to a week after treatment, so it is normal to see some activity during this period. Continued observation will help confirm whether the problem has been resolved.

By following these steps, Garden City Pest Control aims to effectively manage and control wasp populations around any property. For professional assistance, contact Garden City Pest Control.

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Don’t put off dealing with pests in your home or office. Garden City Pest Control uses the latest and safest methods for every situation. Call the experts at Garden City Pest Control today!